Vanessa Minillo and boyfriend Nick Lachey enjoyed the afternoon at a friend’s party in West Hollywood on Saturday (August 21).

Making the most of their weekend, the proud Miss Minnilo showed off a cake of her very own creation — no store bought pastries from her!

Meanwhile, Vanessa says she burns off the extra calories from her scrumptious baked goods with lots and lots of exercise.

The True Beauty host recently revealed her workout regime to Self magazine. She advises that women choose any heart-pumping activity they enjoy, such as jumping rope. Then they should listen to music that pumps them up.

Vanessa speaks from experience — she actually used to be a jump rope phenom when she was a child.

She explains: “When I was living in Turkey as a kid, I was on a traveling team and performed all over the country.”


  1. Finally! Where have these two been hiding? Great to see them. Vanessa looks beautiful.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Cute couple!

  3. Very cute couple…wonder why they don’t marry?

  4. These 2 are still alive? Nick will never marry her:)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Good for them for not rushing into marriage, when it’s time, they’ll do it, and if they don’t, SO WHAT!

  6. Is that really where our culture is headed? Have women learned to settle for so little that a man doesn’t have to show his love and respect by marrying us anymore? Honey let me share something with you that my wonderful, vibrant 96 yr old Grandmother told me when I was 16…”If you start settling for less now, you always will”.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Vanessa knew that she was getting involved with a man that was just coming out of a divorce, likewise wtih Nick jumping into another relationship before he was divorced. She would have settled had she stayed with Derek Jeter and just remained his F buddy. I see genuine respect and love from these two when it comes to this relationship. There is no need for strangers to put a time table on when these two should get married. Live your own life and don’t worry about theirs.

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